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Jarrow Formulas HCActive Garcinia Cambogia Review

Jarrow Formulas HCActive Garcinia Cambogia Supplement for Appetite Suppression

When it comes to the strength of a weight loss supplement it all depends on the purity and potency of the ingredients used in the formula.

Jarrow® Formulas HCActive™ Garcinia Cambogia foundation formula is 70% HCA Garcinia Cambogia extract, while the propriety formula had been evaluated by an independent lab, at Georgetown University.

The firm making this dietary product has been around since 1977, it is based in Los Angeles, California, and it’s involved in the studies of an assortment of natural compounds for promoting human health.

The food supplement is packed in a basic white bottle that contains 90 capsules.

Still, the product we evaluated here has received some good and bad feedback, since there are customers saying that this product is the best, while there are others who say it didn’t do it for them.


Jarrow® Formulas is quite mysterious about the precise formula used. The HCActive™ formula they use is patented and it is portrayed as a potassium-magnesium salt extract obtained from the rind of the fruit. Here are the ingredients used, as depicted on the label:

There are positive things to like about this supplement. It contains potent 70% HCA fruit extract, and the measure in just one capsule is quite high. What’s more, the patented formula was analyzed by another lab, and it was established to have a high bio availability. Nevertheless, there are some additional ingredients used that should not be there.


The producer suggests that you take three pills twice daily, before the important meals of the day. This sounds a bit excessive, seeing that there is so much of the dynamic ingredient in each capsule. There is also word of warning to avoid taking these pills if you have kidney problems or diabetes, so there may be some side affects involved.


The item price for this supplement is $29.95 for a 90 capsule bottle. It can be purchases at Amazon at a discounted price of $21.10. Considering that you need to take six pills daily to see effects, a bottle counts as two weeks supply!


There are no obvious guarantees offered on the representative website, so the return and refund policies may have to be handled by resellers. Also, the fine script on the business website says that their products are not meant to analyze, cure or treat any disease.

Conclusion – Jarrow® Formulas HCActive™ Garcinia Cambogia

Jarrow® Formulas HCActive™ Garcinia Cambogia sounds like an okay product, with 70% HCA Garcinia Cambogia extract. Still, the quantity suggested sounds a bit excessive, and some filler are involved in the formula, as well.

There are no guarantees either for this product should a consumer decide to return it for any reason.

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