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Xenna NonyX Nail Gel Review

NonyX Nail Gel Review

NonyX Nail Gel Review

NonyX Nail Gel by the Xenna corporation is a topical treatment that seeks to improve nail appearance by breaking down and clearing away keratin deposits underneath the nail. These deposits are generally what lead to yellow nails. NonyX Nail Gel claims to use a clinically proven formula that has been tested by dermatologists. Read our review about NonyX Nail Gel to find out more.


Ethanoic acid, also known as acetic acid, is generally safe when properly diluted. A slight burning or stinging sensation is possible. However, the ethanoic acid in NonyX is made using a combination of corn and wheat, so people with gluten intolerance may wish to avoid it. Xanthan gum acts as a stabilizer for the preparation. There is no additional information available about the fragrance used in this product so individuals with certain sensitivities may want to take care with its use.


NonyX is to be applied to the nails twice a day. Apply one drop to the surface of the affected nail and one underneath its tip, preferably after bathing. It is necessary to manually scrape the weakened keratin from underneath the nail at least once a week. The product works better when kept moist, so the manufacturer recommends covering the affected area with an adhesive bandage.


NonyX is available online from the company website for $24.99 for a four-ounce bottle. This is said to last approximately six months. Since NonynX may take up to nine months to show results, at least two bottles may be required. The manufacturer suggests continued use to prevent the return of keratin build-up so it may become costly in the long term.


Xenna offers a money back guarantee with the return of the unused portion of the product accompanied by a copy of the receipt or purchase statement. This guarantee does not apply to purchasers outside the United States. There is no indication of how long you have to return the product.

NonyX Nail Gel Review – Conclusion

There are some things to like about NonyX Nail Gel. It has a simple formula and a standard guarantee. There are points to give pause as well. It requires dedicated, long-term application to show results, which some reviewers have failed to see even after months of use. Others have complained of skin dryness or peeling around the nails with the use of NonyX. Since both the top and underside of the nail must be treated, its use might be difficult for consumers with mobility issues, especially when used on the toenails. The additional need to scrape away the softened keratin may add to this burden. The manufacturer recommends covering the nails with adhesive bandages to retain moisture. This is impossible or impracticable for many consumers. Finally, many reviewers have complained that the application is troublesome and messy. Given the cost of this product, even a little waste can be expensive.

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