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Tammy Taylor Thymolize Review

Tammy Taylor Thymolize

Tammy Taylor® Thymolize Solution for Fungus treatment for toes and nails and according to her the product will keep the underneath of your nails clean and white to help keep the nails healthy and prevent fungus from occurring.

Tammy Taylor® has a wide range of nail and beauty products that are sold to salons where mostly acrylic nails are used and has been in existence since 1983.

When taking a close look at her product we found that there are not that many reviews available on the treatment, although it had been tested by the U.S. Department of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health Administration in 1990.


The Thymolize Solution is sold in a 30 ml plastic white bottle with the Tammy Taylor® trademark on it.

The official site does not provide you with much information on the ingredients of this product, although some retail sites advised that the only ingredients used in the treatment is denatured ethanol and thymol.

We decided to do some more research and found a Material Safety Data Sheet showing the following ingredients:

These had all been noted under the hazard information and tested to be highly flammable, and if contact of these forms of alcohol should fall on your skin or in your eyes it should be flushed with water.


According to Tammy you should apply a drop of the Thymolize 3 to 5 times a day underneath the front edge of the infected nail, where the skin attaches to the nail plate.

All artificial nail covering should be removed, and if there is no improvement in 7 days you should consult your physician.


The product can be bought directly from the Tammy retail site for $9.95 as this will be the cheaper option when buying.


No guarantee could be found on the retail site, and we suggest that when buying the product you take it up with them directly, before buying it.

Tammy Taylor Thymolize Conclusion

Customer feedback can be found on the third party retail sites, but with few feedback results, although the few that had commented provided the product with mostly 4/5 stars.

Firstly, the product contains highly flammable solutions and no natural products added to ensure that it will provide any moisture for your skin or nails. Alcohol is known to dehydrate your skin or body if taken in.

Secondly, the lack of guarantee and customer feedback is a concern for prospective customers when it comes to buying a product, as this information is required to ensure that the product provides great results when used or returned.

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