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Bayer Tinactin Antifungal Cream Review

Bayer Tinactin Antifungal Cream Review

Bayer Tinactin Antifungal Cream Review

Ringworm is a fungal infection of the skin which appears commonly on the neck, arms torso and legs. It can be identified quite easily as a circular, red rash. These patches can be very itchy or even painful and can form blisters. Hair loss may also occur in the area affected.

Ringworm can affect anyone of any age. Unfortunately, it is very contagious and spreads by skin to skin contact, such as shaking hands, or by contact with a contaminated object.

However, it is easily treatable and there are many antifungal products which aim to eliminate the infection. This review focuses on Tinactin Antifungal Cream by Bayer.


The active ingredient for this product is 1% Tolnaftate. Tolnaftate acts to eliminate the fungal infection by suppressing a vital fungal enzyme, which is responsible for maintaining the integrity of the membrane of the fungal cell. Without their membranes, the cells of the fungus rupture and die, thus eliminating the infection. Tolnaftate has been tested in a variety of studies and it is clinically proven to have an effect on most fungi.

Tolnaftate is generally used more for the treatment of athlete’s foot, rather than ringworm and we believe there are better active ingredients which can be used to treat ringworm more effectively.

There are also no ingredients in this product which treat secondary symptoms such as itching and inflammation, which may then persist, even after the fungus has died.


The cream must be applied to the affected area, twice a day – in the morning and at night. Before application of the cream, the affected area must be washed and dried thoroughly.

The concentration of Tolnaftate in this product follows the conventional dosage, but scientific research shows higher concentrations to be more effective. Some healthcare practitioners may, therefore, recommend a higher dosage for more severe or advanced cases.


A tube containing 0.5 oz of Tinactin is available to buy online for $4.97. There are no discounts available for buying multiple tubes at once.


No guarantee is offered on this product, which means that if it is ineffective for a customer, they will not receive any refund.

Tinactin Antifungal Cream Review – Conclusion

The active ingredient for this product, Tolnaftate, is proven scientifically to be an effective general antifungal. Therefore, this cream may help some cases of ringworm. The problem with Tolnaftate is that the focus of its design and research is directed against athlete’s foot, which this product is probably far more effective at treating. There are many other compounds that are more specific against ringworm.

The directions for use are quite easy to follow and very comprehensive. The price of one tube is quite low (although this excludes shipping and taxes), but the tubes are small and there is no discount for buying many tubes at once.

There is also no money back guarantee for this product, which is a little bit concerning because it suggests a lack of confidence from the manufacturer’s side in their own product. It is possible that the product may be ineffective or have adverse reactions as Tolnaftate is highly synthetic and a known irritant in some cases.

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