Articles by Jenny Michelle

After obtaining her medical degree from Emory University School of Medicine, Jenny went on to specialize in the competitive field of dermatology. In her single days, she was a Peace Corps volunteer and a medic for Doctors without Borders. These days, Dr. Michelle works part-time in a private practice in her hometown of Little Rock, Arkansas, so that she can devote herself to her growing family. In her spare time, Jenny gives back to her community by volunteering with her husband and children at their local soup kitchen.

PharmaClinix Stretchex Review

This product review provides detailed information about PharmaClinix Stretchex for the treatment of stretch marks which is a common ailment among pregnant women but also adolescents. Stretchex has a powerful combination of ingredients that the manufacturer claims is effective in preventing and reducing stretch marks. Unlike other products, Stretchex claims to be able to treat…

Sports Research Keto Plus Review: Does It Really Do What It Promises To Do?

Keto Plus Overview Keto Plus for athletic performance, weight management, mental performance and ketone production is manufactured by Sports Research. It contains clinically proven ingredients, that are also trusted and used by many keto diet supplement manufacturers. The combination of exogenous ketone beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHBs) and medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) with Acacia Fiber are what gives this…

Lean N Clean Review

Welcome to our review today of Lean N Clean. Within the review, we are going to present the facts about the product to educate consumers. The manufacturer has made the product for individuals who suffer from IBS or hemorrhoids. The product is formulated to help you experience daily bowel movements that pass more comfortably. After… Protection Status

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