Articles by Jenny Michelle

After obtaining her medical degree from Emory University School of Medicine, Jenny went on to specialize in the competitive field of dermatology. In her single days, she was a Peace Corps volunteer and a medic for Doctors without Borders. These days, Dr. Michelle works part-time in a private practice in her hometown of Little Rock, Arkansas, so that she can devote herself to her growing family. In her spare time, Jenny gives back to her community by volunteering with her husband and children at their local soup kitchen.

Anxietex Review

Anxietex Review This review is about Anxietex and its uses. After thorough research and analysis we have reached the conclusion that this treatment is one of the top natural drugs on the market. By using a natural formula without the use of artificial additives, this treatment became one of the safest products as it has…

Integrative Therapeutics AM/PM Menopause Formula Review

This is a review of AM/PM Menopause Formula. This product, produced by Integrative Therapeutics, is a based on the A.M. and P.M. formulas which have continually delivered solutions to common menopause problems including hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, fatigue, and several others. The product pack contains 30 white A.M. tablets and 30 purple P.M. tablets. Ingredients The… Protection Status

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